Tuesday, July 3, 2012


EVERYONE is invited to Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium!! This is an incredible opportunity to enjoy a Dodger's baseball game in the company of ward members, friends, and investigators. Everyone is encouraged to invite their friends. The event will be held on June 29, 2012 at 7:10pm.

President D.F. Uchtdorf will be throwing the first pitch to a member of the Area Seventy. There will be amazing fireworks following the game. Bring blankets and lay on the field for an optimum view.

Please purchase tickets as soon as possible. The money needs to be sent to Salt Lake as soon as it can be sent.

Tickets prices are as follows:

Right field, all-you-can-eat: $28
Left field, regular: $14
Children 4 and under: Free

A Mormon Night wrist band comes with all ticket purchases. :)


"Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium, the longest running community event held by the Dodgers organization, has gone for more than 20 years. It is also the largest special event they hold.
Elder Cook expressed his pleasure with the event and noted that the name of the church had been mentioned several times throughout the evening, both over the PA system as well as on the Jumbotron."


  1. So are you suggesting that it's not Zion-like because there may have been some Mets fans in attendance?

    I regularly enjoy your posts, but this seems a little benign.

    I'm not thrilled to see Dieter looking like a celebrity, but aren't the Saints suppose to meet oft? Or must they all be in stuffy council meetings?

    Can we not meet for fun? I don't think Zion will be boring. And there will probably be ball games or games of some sort.

    I'm sure not all can afford this, though it is pretty cheap entertainment. But is this not an opportunity for those more fortunate to give to the less fortunate as all may be equal in attendance?

    I just don't see this as a big deal. And when small deals seem like criticism, then the bigger ones aren't taken seriously enough.

    1. Brett:
      I appreciated your comments.

      Yes, I do believe we are to have "fun". Zion will not be boring. Not sure if there will be competitive sports, extreme salaries, and drug-doping.

      The sidenote about Zion was unrelated to the baseball. Best not to have combined the two.. This post is not meant to be criticism (small or large), but the main purpose was to show how our church and the church leaders are becoming mainstream and popular. Recieving cheers, applause, and throwing the first pitch is such a huge contrast from what I read about those who preach repentance in the scriptures.

      Here is the sidenote about Zion that was part of the original post:

      There are many things which occupy the attention of Latter-day Saints. To have Zion, God must come and dwell with His people. To have Zion is to have people who:
      -are of one heart, and
      -are of one mind, and
      -dwell in righteousness, and
      -have no poor among them. (Moses 7: 18.)

      This short list, however, would seem to be the most important place to begin, assuming we were interested in having Zion return. We are not currently unified and for the most part are fragmenting. This is the inverse of what brings Zion.(Snuffer)

      PS..I liked the humorous comment about the Mets.

    2. Brett said: "I'm not thrilled to see Dieter looking like a celebrity, but aren't the Saints suppose to meet oft? Or must they all be in stuffy council meetings?

      "Can we not meet for fun? I don't think Zion will be boring. And there will probably be ball games or games of some sort."

      It looks like a fun time, all right, but I don't think Zion will charge 28 bucks per person for fun. The price, itself, excludes the poor.

      I prefer the local celebrations that don't charge. You can have anything in this world for money, but you cannot have anything in Zion for money. Riches or the lack thereof is never a means of exclusion in Zion.

  2. Seems like the LDS Church of 2012 is on a totally different plane than the Church of Joseph Smith's day or the BOM days. But, it is difficult to know exactly how things were "back then." Today, it seems we want to bring upper-class people with secure jobs into the fold to keep that tithing rolling in. "Hey, we're a high-class Church! It's cool to be high-class!"

    This is the wheat and tares growing together. Sure, it's easy to see the tares right now and pluck them out... but we must wait. Wait until we are both fully ripe. We must be fully ripe. The wheat, that is. Or we could not stomach the separation.

    1. Last year at Ward Conference, the Stake President gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting where he told us that the members of our ward are an "affluent" group. I thought he was going to push for more fast offerings, etc, but instead he went on to talk about how the people we work with are also affluent, and our neighbors are affluent, and we need to work harder to convert them because the Church needs people like this. He used examples of people in our area who have converted the wealthy businessmen they work with, and prodded us to do the same. He even said that there are many "poor" members of the Church, and in our position (as not-poor, I'm assuming) we need to help balance this.
      I left the meeting feeling sick.

    2. Please know that the arm of flesh is weak and misguided. Forgive them for they know not what they do.

      Look to the Lord for hope and as your example how to be a better disciple.

      God bless you.

  3. I'm wondering when you are going to post about all the fires burning in Utah...

    1. Number 72:

      Hard to keep it updated since there seems to be a new one every day.

  4. Well, yes, it is rather bizarre to read about this--

    I know people who are struggling from day to day to survive--

    anonymous 6:12 a.m., a similar talk was given here a number of years ago; all of the affluent members of the ward who had moved in were named by family name and praised for coming to our very isolated area--

    the rest of us sat there feeling like putting our heads down; it was a sorrowful time--

    later my husband and I wept in private--

    So, yes, it's hard to get excited about all of this hoopla--

    nothing against baseball--

  5. I thought he looked a bit unusual in a baseball jersey, but in the photos on the LDS Newsroom website, it's easier to see that he has a white shirt and tie on under the Dodger shirt. So, all is well.
