Friday, February 1, 2013


"I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness”
Isaiah 41:10

The Ancients who understood spiritual energy have found that when one raises one's arm to the square, as when taking an oath, the arm acts as an antenna to draw spiritual energy, increasing and magnifying the power of the spoken words.

Moses raised his right arm in the parting of the Red Sea and the elements obeyed his words.

Christ with his right arm to the square as he spoke the words for Lazarus to rise from the grave.

Native Americans raise their right arm in a greeting, increasing the power of their saluation of hello.

When taking on an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, the President will raise their right hand to the square. Those entering the militiary as well as any public office will also raise their right arm to the square. Those testifying in court raise their right hand to the square.

When a church member is newly baptized or moves into the geographic boundaries of a ward or branch, the individual's name is presented to the congregation and members are invited to raise their right hand to welcome that member. We also raise our right hand to sustain or give a vote of thanks for those in their ward callings.

There are many other examples that I could share, some of which are sacred.

I found this interesting that all through the generations on this earth we can see the importance of the arm raised to the square..which is a symbol as well as a literal means to increase and magnify the power of the spoken words.

Some scriptural references:
“The predominance of right-handedness provided a ready basis for metaphors and geographic perspective in the Ancient Near East…In social concourse, oaths and agreements were affirmed with the right hand (Gen. 14:22; Ezek 17:18; Dan 12:7), expressions of fellowship were sealed with a right-handed handshake (Ezra 10:19), and giving and receiving were done with the right hand (Ps 26:10; Gal 2:9).” (Dictionary of Biblical Imagery 727-728)


  1. Can the blog owner somehow screen out the advertisement comments?

  2. I thought you may enjoy Avraham G, commentary on your topic verse. its interesting how differnt people interpit Isaiah....

    by the way you have the god Al a bael worship god in your pictures (clay guy)...

    God his two hands... his Right hand is a servant we are waiting for...
    codenamed rightousness...

    41:10 Be not fearful, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will also succor you and uphold you with my righteous right hand.

    “Your God, the covenant God,” expresses the relationship. To with him is the name Immanuel: “God is with us.” When God is with you, you can accomplish his purpose. There is protection. You don’t need to fear. It’s a test, yes. It’s a test because you don’t know what’s ahead. If you trust in God he will protect you. “I will strengthen you; I will also succor you and uphold you with my righteous right hand.” So, just as the Servant is strengthened, or those who hope in the Lord are strengthened and renewed in strength, so may anybody be, so long as they trust in God. So may Jacob, or Israel. They will be strengthened. How? First of all, through the agency of the Servant who is the right hand of God. His right-hand man, so to speak.

    Another way of translating, “my righteous right hand,” from the Hebrew is, “righteousness, my right hand.” So, I will uphold you with righteousness, my right hand. That is a more correct translation, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense in the English, so most translations say “my righteous right hand, instead.” So is the Servant who upholds them. He’s the Shepherd that shepherds the flock; he leads them gently along. And he follows after the Good Shepherd who is the Lord himself. He one has a model above him. As God strengthens and succors him, so he strengthens and succors God’s people.
