Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I found this interesting.

Applications and Video Auditions are currently being accepted for members of Church to share their "testimony about God’s Special Witnesses on the earth today!" that will be shown at the Special Witnesses Kiosk.

From the email I recieved from the LDS Motion Picture Studio, they are looking for members of the Church of all ethnicities to be part of a new video to be shown at the Visitors Center where they will  "share their thoughts and testimony about our Special Witnesses—our modern-day apostles—in a very casual, natural way: in your own words." The email emphasises that there’s no acting involved. Just be yourself and share your testimony about our Special Witnesses. I have always been interesting in understanding what is meant by "Special Witnesses." Does that mean they have seen the Lord? Do we hear them actually say that.. or do we just assume it?

I think what took me offguard from this casting call is when did we start bearing testimony of God's Special Witnesses instead of Jesus Christ? Why in the world it is being allowed to have members testifying of men.. and allowing it to be filmed and shown at our Visitors Center. It is my opinion that God's Special Witnesses would not want people to share testimonies about them, but instead of the Savior Jesus Christ.

Below is the email and link in case you would like to submit your application:

FORM url address: https://adobeformscentral.com/?f=iaiAffApRweHRM%2AzXVs5RA


From: LDS Casting <AVDCasting@ldschurch.org>
Date: Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 8:43 PM

We Need Your Help!

Please submit your application no later than Monday, April 8, 2013. (Earlier is better!)

PROJECT: Special Witnesses Kiosk

WHAT: These are INTERVIEWS. There’s no acting involved. Just be yourself and share your thoughts and testimony about our Special Witnesses—our modern-day apostles—in a very casual, natural way: in your own words.

PLEASE APPLY: This is a perfect opportunity to serve even if you have no acting experience. We just want YOU—your personality, your thoughts, your words.

NEEDED: English-speakers and Native Spanish-speakers. Men and Women, ages 16 and older.

ALL ETHNICITIES are WELCOME. As this will be used throughout the world, we will be looking for ethnically-diverse individuals to represent all areas of the globe.

REMUNERATION: As you will be imparting your testimony, this work is non-paid, volunteer. We will, however, offer a small stipend for travel if you come from a distance.

WHERE: The shoot will take place in Provo, Utah.

WHEN: Dates are flexible. Currently, the third week in April is the goal.

PURPOSE: One of the experiences in LDS Visitor’s Centers is a Kiosk highlighting our modern-day prophets and apostles. The purpose of this project is to create an introduction from the perspective of a normal, everyday person about why these leaders are important. This is designed for non-members to help them understand who and what they are about to see.


FIRST, make a video of yourself! Take one minute or less to tell us about a recent General Conference address that impacted your life. This is what we’re looking for:

(1) “Talking Head.” Make sure your FACE is well-lit. It only needs to be your head-and-shoulders speaking directly to the camera.

(2) Your Name. Please state your name at the beginning and anything about yourself you’d like to share. (Where you live; how many in your family; your age; are you a convert? Etc.)

(3) Be personable. Relax. Smile. Show some humor.

(4) Be sincere. Speak the truth from your heart.

(5) Be succinct. Convey your ideas clearly and without a lot of hash. You may wish to practice a bit before recording. Remember, longer is not always better. Short and succinct is the way to be.

Please Note: We are NOT looking for long quotes or citations from these talks. We want your reactions to them and how they impacted your life. (All in less than a minute!)

SECOND, upload your video! You may use any online service you prefer. We recommend that you make the video “accessible via URL link” which creates a degree of privacy without the need for a password. In effect, only those with the direct link can see the video. Add the link to your video to your
FORM (see step #3) and viola! Done!

THIRD, fill out this
FORM and upload a current photo of yourself. There are areas in the form to do this.

DATE DUE: Please submit your application no later than Monday, April 8, 2013. (Earlier is better!)

THANK YOU for your willingness to share your testimony about God’s Special Witnesses on the earth today! We look forward to viewing your application!

Best regards,

Alisa Anglesey
Publishing Services Casting Producer
LDS Motion Picture Studio
(801) 240-9300

FORM url address: https://adobeformscentral.com/?f=iaiAffApRweHRM%2AzXVs5RA


  1. This is pathetic! This almost pushes me over the edge!
    What are church leaders thinking?
    First we have a $1.5B shopping mall to gag down. Then it's canned church training videos that are so staged and phony and full of false doctrine they are laughable. Now we have the "special witnesses" being shoved down our throats like so many glitter encrusted rock stars pandering to be worshipped!
    Well, here's my testimony for them: "If they don't repent of this hero worship complex they have developed they are going to burn in hell!

    1. My purpose for posting this was not to insight anger. Instead, it shows that Isaiah's prophesies are being fulfilled.

      Hard to know who is directing this effort. We have the choice whether we will condemn or not. Most of what is posted here is for awareness purposes, without much personal commentary.


  2. This part of the e-mail struck me....

    "This is a perfect opportunity to serve"

    Who are we serving when we testify of men?

  3. I appreciate the sight not wanting to insight anger but then again, Jesus was insighted to anger when he saw the money changing going on at the temple. This kind of conduct insights me to anger and yet I seek to be charitable and not be easily provoked but let's call a spade a spade. This is becoming laughable. I'm embarrassed to tell you the truth.

    I guess I should take solace that this is all going as the Book of Mormon lays it out and we are fulfilling prophecy.

    Now I think I'll go to my room and sulk for a bit and ask the Lord how much longer we have to endure this kind of behavior.

  4. My own witness is that when an apostle preaches or teaches about the Savior and his atonement, for example Pres. Hinkley in a Christmas video a few years ago or Elder Nelson describing his own study of the Savior from the Book of Mormon in a Regional conference a few year before that, then they are acting within their prophetic calling and stewardship as apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. I occasionally disagree, even strongly, with other things they say and do not directly related to witnessing of the Savior. It goes back to 2 Nephi 28:31, and whether or not someone or something is pointing us to the Savior.


  5. Don't misunderstand speaking straight from the heart as anger.
    I am not angry, if you were referring to my "outburst".
    I am just amazed and appalled.
    We are seeing an ever accelerating downturn in our society, whether we look at the secular or the ecclesiastical side of it matters not.
    In a word, our society is going to hell in a handbasket. Why not just say it? Things are turning to crap all around us these days!
    Instead of security and a safe haven, the church is often found leading the charge down the slippery slope! We gloss over that at our peril and especially at the peril of our children who are not capable of judging what to believe from the silliness, idol worship, hero worship, and false doctrine they are being spoon fed!

    1. Thanks.. well said.
      Instead of Anger.. Frustration is probably a better word that I should have used.
      We all feel it. Hopefully we will all find the True Solace and Safety.

    2. 'Outrage' is the word I would use & what I feel, when I see what these 'special witnesses' are saying & doing.

      I agree with JR, that these 'special witnesses' need to repent, for even calling themselves God's special witnesses and for leading the Church astray from following Christ.

  6. http://upwardthought.blogspot.com/2013/03/have-lds-apostles-seen-jesus-do-they.html

    1. That treats the issue of being a special witness by providing a bunch of quotes on the matter.

  7. I know of 4 people who have seen Him. None are GAs.
    None were commanded to not bear testimony of Him.
    The question comes up whether they are also "special witnesses".
    Was everyone in the large gathering at Bountiful (BoM) also a "special witness"?
    If seeing Him is not sufficient to be a "special witness" then what is required?
    If it requires having men lay their hands on one's head and confer something, but does not require the person to have seen Him, how does that differ from being ordained a High Priest by a man?
    Why is the church asking for members to bear testimony of the "Special Witnesses"?
    Does this soliciting members to bear testimony of men constitute priestcrafts (2 Nephi 26:29)?
    Is this a partial fulfillment of the Savior's warning in 3 Nephi 16:10?

    1. There's a reason Joseph Smith gave us the handshake test.

    2. I believe it was Brigham Young who gave us the (false) handshake test, not Joseph Smith, despite what the story books say.

      Joseph told us to tell 'bad angels' or 'bad special witnesses' by the fact that they preach 'contrary' to Christ, the scriptures or former revelation.

    3. Your beliefs are not based on fact. You should read up on Church history. Joseph recognized bad angels by dress, hair, and all manner of ways.

    4. I have read up on Church history, and I am well aware that Joseph taught there are various ways of discerning bad angels, I just have never seen 'proof' that he really taught the 'handshake theory'.

      Do you know of 'proof' that Joseph Smith really taught the 'handshake test', for D&C 129 was added after Joseph died and can't be considered proof that it was really from Joseph, unless Joseph published such teachings before he died. Do you know of such proof of publication by Joseph?

      We also can't believe everything the 'History of the Church' says either, for there are many contradictions in it from what Joseph actually really taught & published while he was alive.

      If you don't have such proof, then your beliefs are not based on 'fact' either. I myself don't blindly believe everything I read from the Church and thus I don't believe Joseph taught such a thing, for it doesn't seem right to me, nor have I found any 'proof' of Joseph teaching it.

      The apostle Paul commanded us to 'prove all things' before we believe or follow them. I try to do that so I'm not deceived.

      And I certainly don't automatically believe anything that Brigham Young said or taught or added to the D&C (like 129 or 132 etc, etc.), for he taught & did so many things completely contrary to what Christ & Joseph Smith taught, even many whoredoms, that we know for sure he was a false prophet who taught much false doctrine.

  8. I would like to add another scriptural reference or two as my witness the wrong path is being tread by the Church of God on this issue:

    D‡C 76:61 Wherefore, let no man glory in man, but rather let him glory in God, who shall subdue all enemies under his feet.

    John 5:44 How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?

    1 Corinthians 3:20 And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.:21 Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours;

    It's pretty simple - where are they putting the glory - it belongs to Christ and him only.


  9. I see this really as a tipping point. If the membership will fall for this, they will fall for anything.
