Monday, December 16, 2013


On Sunday, my daughter asked me if our Church is in Apostasy. She is still quite young. This question along with other questions like..  "Where do babies come from?" or  "Is Santa real?" is when we as parents earn our stripes in how we answer our children.

Coincidentally, a friend of mine sent me photos from an LDS coloring book that used to be sold at Deseret Book. I thought I would share some of them. I think the book is now out of print and was sold about 10 years ago. These pages in the coloring book are trying to teach children about the apostasy that happened after Christ first established His Church. Interesting to see how much of these coloring pages could apply to us today. It was a good way to talk to my children.

Image 1: 
Are we a new and improved church? Do we interpret scripture correctly? Are true apostles who have seen the Lord face to face necessary anymore? Are we told to not open our scriptures in Sacrament meeting? Do we bring our own doctrines?
Image 2:
Are we a solid structure on a firm foundation or do we accommodate to the world around us and try to be politically correct?  Is a new restoration needed?

Image 3:
Do we know the true identity of the God we worship?
Have we abandoned the Lectures of Faith?
For those interested, here is the cover of the coloring book.


  1. I would think your influence had some reason for the question your daughter ask too, children are very perceptive, which is wonderful.

  2. Awesome! Yes, as the bottom says, "The true church and Gospel were take from the earth... again, The people rejected Joseph Smith too. Seems, the scriptures are true, 'few' there be that find or accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    The next book you might want to read to her is "The Emperor Has No Clothes". Lots of lessons there too.

  3. From my perspective: The answer to your initial question is "yes".

  4. Another way to approach this subject with your children, lest they "throw out the baby with the bath water" so to speak, is to teach your children what is RIGHT with the church today.
    While there is no doubt for anyone who reads the Book of Mormon and understands the messages of warning that there will be a latter day apostasy, and there is almost no room for doubt that it has come upon us. However, there are still some things right about the church today, and that has almost nothing to do with the people in charge.
    The church still gathers in those who are seeking the truth. Then it is up to them and the Lord to get their feet on the straight and narrow path, to enter thru the gate (or more correctly The Gate (2Nephi9:41) and move on in their pursuit of Coming to Christ.
    All these things can, and should, be taught to children. Caution, it might make it difficult to get them to be content in Primary, esp. when the chorister wants to lead them in 12 choruses of "follow the prophet". The alternative is to wait until they ask. The Lord led me to the former path, but each family and each child is different. I guess the point is that the parent needs to know the truth and determine (with Guidance) what the right path for their own children is.

  5. Have you ever listened to Nibley's "Time Vindicates the Prophets?" It was published as "The World and the Prophets" as part of the CWHN.

    Every time I listen to it, I feel like I'm hearing a eulogy for today's church. Things sure have changed even since just the 1950s.

  6. That book was a sketched soft bound and I loved it as a young girl (about 5) I am now 53 so it has been around a long time! I was thrilled to find it as a coloring book after all these years and bought 2 for my youngest children-that book helped shape my childhood and understanding of the plan-wow I guess I didn't realize until now the profound truth in it!
