Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Yesterday, I spent the day up in the mountains with my family.  We went on a beautiful hike, probably the last one before snow falls and we have to wear our snowshoes. A few isolated clouds rolled in over the mountains as we drove up the canyon and it began to snow on us. It was a strong reminder that winter is approaching. This time of the year is often called the "time of approaching shadows".. since the Sun is lower in the sky creating longer shadows.

Photo taken on October 27, 2014 of the Wasatch Mountains
 On our hike in the mountains, we were visited by a beautiful moose. We came within 20 feet from this majestic animal. The moose is an symbolic animal.

Taken up Big Cottonwood Canyon on October 27, 2014
 Even though moose are large and powerful in size, they are known for being invisible because they are able to camouflage themselves...like the powerful being who appears as a common man, like a lowly shepherd, a carpenter or beggar.

This animal has great depth perception and is known for its speed and grace negotiated through rough environment than often “trip’s up” others. This animal is a dual/contradictory animal, it appears awkward… yet graceful in how it moves.

The male moose is connected with glory with its crown of antlers as well as represents the primal feminine energy since they are often seen in water...(lakes and marshes).. a place of rebirth.

The female moose or "cow" is very protective of their young.. it has one of the strong maternal instincts.. and no animal who knows better would attempt to get between her and her offspring.
A moose has the ability to dive and be completely submerged in water … The moose will do this for food…representing the ability to go back into the depth of water and draw new life and nourishment.

They are known for their keen sense of smell.. and discernment. … represented by the large nose. The moose also represents the harvesting season, peaking in October.. a power season when a new cycle is about to begin.

Photo taken on October 27, 2014 looking up Silver Fork Canyon

Sidenote: The weather is not the only thing that is changing. I read today that BYU will be changing their  religious curriculum.  NEWS LINK

 No longer will religious classes be required for the students to graduate that focused on the Books of Scripture (Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price)  but these classes will now be substituted with four new “thematic” classes.

The older scripture-based classes will be phased out over the next few years.  This new curriculum will also be initiated in all Church owned campuses, and throughout the Church Education System.  Some sources say the BYU faculty of Ancient Scripture initially voted 33 to 1 against this proposal.

 Here is quote from another blog: "I find this new curriculum shocking, but at the same time not surprising. There is already a sharp decline in scripture use and study in the Church. It's being slowly replaced by conference talks and other church approved manuals etc... This new change will just speeds up the trend already under way.  All leading to scripture study in the LDS Church being nothing more than completely decontextualized proof-texting. Proof-texting: The practice of using isolated quotations from a document to establish a proposition."    We're using isolated scripture citations to prove what we want to say. Not what the scriptures themselves were communicating.  By choosing themes one can not only mingle philosophies with scripture easier, but you can altogether let lots of scriptures go permanently unread. This, in my view, is how you show absolute ingratitude for the scriptures, and create a body of members who does not understand them, nor study them as God gave them. The letter indicated that the current set of scripture courses will continue to be offered as "elective" classes."    LINK  


Another interesting sidenote change:

I always find it interesting to see what is added and/or deleted from the published transcripts from General Conference.  Elder Robert D Hales in his closing testimony said the following:

“I bear my special witness that our Savior is Jesus Christ, that He lives, that our Eternal Heavenly Father loves us and watches over us, that we have a prophet in this dispensation to lead and to guide us. The Holy Spirit testifies that this is true to each who goes and seeks the knowledge. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

However, in the published version on his talk.. this was added in red.

“I bear my special witness that our Savior is Jesus Christ, that He lives, that our Eternal Heavenly Father loves us and watches over us, that we have a prophet in this dispensation—even President Thomas S. Monson—to lead and to guide us. The Holy Spirit testifies that this is true to each who goes and seeks the knowledge. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

I am sure glad that was added for us so we would not be confused as to which prophet he was referring to.


  1. Thank you for post. Saddens us to read more changes taking place in the church, now this one implies the Scriptures are not as important as the 'living prophets and apostles'
    By the way, I have heard that said to me by leaders of the church.
    I can testify, the Scriptures contain real Power in our day.

    Beautiful Moose, we still haven't seen one live, only hanging on walls!

  2. One of the things I enjoyed in Bro. Hales talk was that, contrary to some who preceded him, he barely mentioned "the prophet" in his talk. Someone in the COB must have thought he was being too "prophet light" in his remarks.

  3. Mormonism is a ever changing religion and will always will as long as its around. That is a tradition started with Joseph Smith and continues today. Revelation is largely based on cultural conditions, as it always has been for the most part. To think that doctrines should remain unchanged is not a good attachment to hold on too, it will cause you unneeded suffering. Doctrine is not reality, it is beliefs and current understanding about reality. Prophets do not do much better than a regular sincere seeker of truth when it comes to accurately receiving revelations. I would think Prophets actually do a worst job just look at all the false revelations through out history, especially LDS history! There is so much more to be said about this, but I will say this let go of your preconceived understandings, you are damning yourself by think you know how thing are suppose to happen. No you can not rely on Prophets or the scriptures as your source of truth, it you do you just damn yourself, you because really don't the know true influences surrounding the Prophets and those who wrote the scriptures. There were forces that were at work you can even understand or possibly know at this current time.

    Let go of your naive notions and be more open and less judgmental, you are not in the know as much as you have convinced yourselves.

  4. changes, that's life

  5. Another example of getting away from the scriptures and being led by the precepts of men. I am a student at one of the BYUs and when I heard this I was so surprised. It seems we are pointed more and more to the manuals and the "Brethren" and less and less to the scriptures and Christ. Who was it that built on the sand instead of the rock? Was he wise or foolish?
