Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Photograph taken on March 13, 2015 from a video display in the South Visitor Center on Temple Square.

 The First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles meet each Thursday morning in this room. It is called the “Council Room” and is located above the Celestial Room in the Salt Lake Temple. 
A news article printed in the Church owned Deseret News stated, "Every major decision in the church is made on Thursday mornings in the temple by the Council of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve. Every decision of the council must be unanimous, according to a scriptural mandate. That can take time.” Elder M Russell Ballard is quoted in this same article, "None of the Twelve are shrinking violets. We each have strong personalities. So when we are unified in a decision, you can rest assured that we have counseled together and come to that decision after much prayer and thoughtful discussion." 
In Websters 1828 Dictionary, the word 'revelation' is defined as communication of truth to men by God himself. It is sacred truths which God has communicated to man for His instruction and direction. It is important that we dont confuse a consensus in voting with revelation from God.
Todays announcement must have reached an unanimous decision in order for an Apostle to make a public statement. Elder D. Todd Christofferson said that Mormons who support gay marriage are not in danger of losing their temple privileges or church memberships.  This possibly will open a can of worms for members who need to answer "no" to the temple question: Do you support, affiliate with, or agree with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Brethern will need to revise this question.
In the above photo, it is hard to miss this huge portrait of President Monson.  I think this life size portrait would be somewhat distracting to sit in a solemn meeting trying to recieve revelation from the Lord.  I highly doubt that Joseph Smith would commission a painting of himself to hang on the walls of a Temple especially in a sacred room above the Holy of Holies where you go  humbly in prayer to recieve revelatioin.. Personally I think Joseph would find it to be arrogant and vain to hang such a portrait. When there is an intense devotion to a particular person it is called "cult of personality". It's purpose is to create an idealized, heroic, and at times, worshipful image, often through unquestioning praise or flattery. Do we do this?
A few weeks ago my nephew recieved a letter in the mail that he was excited to show all of us at Sunday dinner with our extended family. Before showing us the letter he explained that as part of their Family Night lesson, he drew a picture illustrating a talk President Uchtdorf gave in the most recent General Conference. For fun, they sent his drawing to the Church Office building hoping that maybe it would make it into the hands of President Uchtdorf. A few weeks later a large letter came in the mail addressed to my nephew. Enclosed was a letter and an autographed picture.  Elder Uchtdorf has personally autographed a photograph of himself and expressed gratitude to my nephew for taking the time to read and draw a picture of his talk. My nephew has now framed the picture and has in hanging in his room. When my nephew showed us this picture, you would have thought it was more valuable to him than getting an autographed photo of Tom Brady or Michael Jordan.


  1. Do you support, affiliate with, or agree with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

    Well, The Church (TM) will have to change this question indeed!! The only alternative is for all honest and "faithful" members to answer Yes to this question, since now it's clear that The Church (TM) supports a practice (gay marriage) that is contrary to the Church's own teachings (at least the teachings up until recently) and the word of God.

    The Church (TM) has painted itself into a corner from which it cannot escape without making a very large mess.

    1. Adam.

      Don't worry, the corner they are in will be easy for them to get out of. I believe the Church will soon just 'get a new revelation' & change it's doctrine to match it's practices & people's desires, like it has always done when in such 'corners'. And by the time they do allow SSM most members will welcome the change, as most LDS probably already do.

      It will happen so cleanly, naturally & sound so logical that you may even go along with it.

      And since when does the 'word of God' have anything to do with the Church?

  2. Does it bother anyone else that Christ isn't the portrait on the wall?

    1. I have been in that room. There are pictures of Christ placed in the most important and visible places at the front of the room. This is a side wall. If you will read the caption under the picture, you will see that this picture is taken of the model in the South Visitor's Center. The angle of this picture was the easiest to take of the model.

  3. Yes! Where is Christ? He left the church long ago, I guess. It's just about corporate leaders now. Disturbing!

    1. I have been in that room. There are pictures of Christ placed in the most important and visible places at the front of the room. This is a side wall. If you will read the caption under the picture, you will see that this picture is taken of the model in the South Visitor's Center. The angle of this picture was the easiest to take of the model.

  4. Is there not a difference between supporting gay marriage and not disciplining those who do believe in the idea?
    As we know, the church has been disciplining people recently solely for what they believe. I find it encouraging that they are not disciplining people who simply believe differently.
    To me, this is different than endorsing a behavior. The church simply has said that they will not discipline support in a belief or idea.
    Should a gay couple chose to marry (action), or even in some cases do a mock temple sealing in their home, I would hope that the church would chose to discipline these actions.

    1. To God, belief & behavior are one and the same. To get into heaven we must 'believe' in Christ, as well as prove it by our actions.

      It takes true belief to become a true member of Christ's true Church, which has always been just a spiritual church never a physical one. And no mortal has ever had any power to add or excommunicate someone to or from Christ's Church, only Christ holds that power, by looking into a person's heart at their true 'beliefs', as well as actions.

      Our 'beliefs' reveal who we really are, not our actions. People often fake actions to look good, while 'believing' the opposite. It seems that most people who go to Christian churches, like the LDS, are not really true believers & followers of Christ.

  5. Yes, I think that picture on the wall says it all. This is the Church of Pres.Monson, down the road it will be the Church of the next in line and so on. A man made Church led by men.

    Christ's Church is completely opposite of what the LDS Church preaches & practices. In fact very few LDS would probably even join Christ's Church if he came preaching it today, for the LDS seem to love the 'easier' commandments of men far more then the commandments of Christ, which they ignore.
