Sunday, June 18, 2017


Photo taken today on Father's Day in front of our home.  I recognize it as a Father's Day gift from a Father to a son.

"God talks to us through all kinds of things. There are so many things in nature if you’ll just observe it, if you’ll just let it in. God is speaking to all of us, more or less, all of the time. And we determine how much of that we’re willing to see, to listen to, to let in. . Every one of us has some direct linkage to God. It’s called a gift. Every one of us has some unique gift as a way that God talks to us. Let it in. Be sensitive to it."


  1. I love the thought. I've long wanted to see the world as Alma did: "And now what evidence have ye that there is no God, or that Christ cometh not? I say unto you that ye have none, save it be your word only. But, behold, I have all things as a testimony that these things are true; and ye also have all things as a testimony unto you that they are true; and will ye deny them?" (Alma 30:40-41) I'm still working on that.

    I think the butterfly isn't a monarch, but a western tiger swallowtail (

  2. You are probably right about the butterfly.. but it looked alot like the yellow monarch seen here

  3. I really like this quote. Did you write it? If not, do you have the reference?

    1. No, I didn't write it, but it is not an exact quote either. I heard it during a question and answer talk given at a youth conference last weekend.

  4. David, do you remember the picture that was put on the name tags for that Zion youth conference? It was one of those signs & gifts from God to me. I took the picture last August using my cell phone. I'd like to tell you a little of the background of that picture.

    That day the sun setting in St George/Hurricane was magnificent I first noticed the sunset driving home and I kept thinking I need to get a picture of it. As soon as I got home I hurried outside and lo and behold the way the clouds were hiding the sun it looked exactly like a dove to me. I took the picture and my youngest son, who was 8 at the time, commented that he thought the sunset was a sign. Then I turned around toward the east and there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky and then I noticed a dove perched on a lamppost right near my home. I knew God was very much aware of me at that time and had given me signs.

    Yes I agree that God's gifts & signs are all around us. I love the song "Creation Calls" by Brian Doersken. "How can we say there is no God when all around creation calls...."
    Thank you Dave for this post.

  5. Your pictures resonate in my heart in such a powerful way. Thank you for posting them. I am recognizing more easily the many ways and times Father speaks to me through various signs in nature and other means. It is varied and numerous and such a sweet and tender reminder of His love when I stop and open my "eyes" to see it.

    1. Agreed. Your pictures remind me I really should go hiking more!
