Tuesday, June 26, 2018


It was 10 years ago that the LDS Church supported Proposition 8 in California affirming the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. The proposition was supported by voters but later overturned by judges.

Furthermore, a recent Church policy prohibits the children of same-sex couples from being baptized in the Mormon Church until they turn 18 — and only if they move out of their parents’ homes, disavow all same-sex relationships and receive approval from the church’s top leadership as part of a new policy adopted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Mormons in same-sex marriages will be considered apostates and ordered to undergo church disciplinary hearings that could lead to excommunication, a more rigid approach than the church has taken in the past.


Why would the LDS Church then invite the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus to perform with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? 

One of the questions that active LDS Saints need to answer to enter into the temple is: Do you support, affiliate with, or agree with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Could the LDS Church pass their own temple recommend question?

See the Deseret News Article:

The LDS employees in the LDS Church's Public Affairs Department must be working overtime. I wonder if the old adage will turn out to be true:

First we abhor, then we tolerate, then we embrace.



  1. Perhaps "affiliate" has a much stronger meaning than just hanging out with people.

    officially attach or connect (a subsidiary group or a person) to an organization.
    "the college is affiliated with the University of Wisconsin"

    I don't see any official connection.

    1. @SB

      Perhaps this connection will be easier to see. Per your definition the church is affiliated with the BSA. Who's teachings or practices oppose those of the LDS church. Although the church has planned to end the affiliation, they have been for quit some time and are yet still at the moment very much affiliated with that organization.

      If a member was trying to obtain a temple recommend they would need to align with the questions *before* being able to posses a recommend. The Church itself however appears to be holding itself to a lower standard than it expects of it's temple recommend holding members.

    2. Could the church fail the interview based on other questions? I think so.

      Honesty. Past sins or misdeeds.

    3. @SB

      I agree that 'affiliate' has a stronger meaning than just "hanging out". I don't think the LDS Church invited this choir to just "hang out" but to join with them albeit for the day. To me, that seems like that could fit a few of the other definitions of the word 'affiliate'.
      Affiliate = to combine with, to join (up) with, to link up with, or to team up with, ...

  2. I would be really impressed if the MoTab would have a joint concert with the Alexandrov Ensemble from Russia, perhaps a Christmas program in remembrance of the many members of that ensemble whose lives were lost in a tragic airplane accident a year and a half ago around Christmastime.

    Such a joint concert would be a positive step in promoting peace and understanding in this world so full of violence and conflict.

  3. I'm pretty sure most of us affiliate with all kinds of sinners by the softer definition on a daily basis. I think the stronger definition is the intent of the question.

  4. I'm waiting for the Choir to sing with the "Salt Lake City Adulterers Choir" or the "Portland Bank Robbery Choir".

    I guess affiliating with sin is just fine.

  5. The purpose of the question in the beginning was to determine if you agreed with the polygamists or with the post polygamy church. Its a really dumb question and most all the recommend questions are equally meaningless. All they should ask is if you believe in the Doctrine of Christ, then you can enter. The rest is hogwash. The temple is all symbolic and for education anyway, so why prevent people from learning more about Jesus??

  6. Since many of the Church's teachings are contrary to Christ's, even Christ would not pass that and other recommend questions.

    For Christ would support, affiliate and agree with those who have beliefs and teachings like his, that are thus contrary to the Church's.

    But this is hardly the 1st time the Church and it's leaders have supported, affiliated with or agreed with those whose teachings and practices are contrary to the Church's.

  7. I love the Church and everything about the Restored Gospel. But this is a deviation I believe that one day we will come to regret severely. While I recognize we all have our FREE AGENCY to make our choices as to who we will and will not associate with, I believe the Church is sending a mixed message to our Youth. While children of same sexed couples are excluded from Church membership (where does it say THAT in the Scriptures?) until they are 18 years of age and then they must adhere to a difficult agenda to qualify for Church membership, our most public institute, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is essentially giving its "tacit approval" of homosexuality in partnering with the Gay Men's Choir in going on tour. I cannot personally see any consistency in the two "policies". For me, I hold to the Scriptures that say that homosexuality is an ABOMINATION. I make no apologies for that stance and thus, I would no more fraternize with a Gay Man or Women than I would with a Pedophile, or a thief or a murderer. No, I would not injure them in any way, but would be respectful as we do not have the RIGHT to stone them to death as we once did in Gospel History under the Lord's Prophet, Moses.
