Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice, the day when we experience the most sunlight of the year. Before I post more about the Solstice,  I wanted to quickly post today about our new National Holiday called JUNETEENTH. I titled the blog, More Darkness before More Light (?)

Our son-in-law is currently serving in the military. We are proud of him and the sacrifice he is making for us in protecting country. However, I don't think they train the military to protect the country from ourselves.

 A friend of mine shared the below photo taken today of a Juneteenth flag hanging in the U.S. military dining facility. Instead of flying the red, white and blue American Flag, a flag that says "JUNETEENTH *THE REAL* Independence Day is hung.  This "National"  flag uses all the black pride colors and symbols used in Communist propaganda with the raised fists. 

Not just in the military dinner halls, but similar flags are being flown all over the country. In addition to these Juneteenth flags, homes are also flying several different versions our flag for PRIDE Month. 

A video trending on line of how some have been celebrating this holiday. Looks like a fun pool party.


Long lost are the days of just flying the American Flag. It is sad that when you see someone flying the American Flag, they might be considered a racist or hater.. and even worse a threat because you showing who you might be voting for in the upcoming Presidential Election. 


I have been pretty overwhelmed lately and unfortunately I haven't been able to post everything I have wanted to including our trip to New York.  A few months ago our family flew back East to New York to witness the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8,2024. That weekend prior to the eclipse was full of believable signs. The day we flew into New York on April 3 there was a devastating storm.  Two bolts of lightning hit the Statue of Liberty during that storm. A couple of days later on April 5, there was a 4.8 earthquake (prior to the 4/8 date for the eclipse). And then to experience total darkness on April 8. Hard to describe in words.  I found a few photos to document those events but did not take them personally)

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