Tuesday, August 28, 2012


A good friend of mine forwarded one of those "viral" emails to me yesterday. Maybe some of you already recieved it. Just in case some have not seen this, I wanted to post a few of the photos that were contained in the email including the captions to each photo:

A father and mother kissing their dying little girl goodbye.

Then the below photo with this caption:
If you are wondering why all the medic people are bowing: In less than an hour,
two small children in the next room are able to live thanks to the little girl's kidney and liver.

This story touched me greatly since I have a young daughter around the same age as this little girl whose mortal life has now ended. Although it was very heartbreaking to see the parents kissing their daughter for the last time, my heart swelled to see the respect, and the love offered to the little girl by the medical staff all bowing in her honor for the life lost but resulted in two lives saved.

I can't help but see the symbolism of the story and how it parallels the life of Our Savior. His life was laid down for us. Through Him and Only Him are we then saved. Here are a few excerpts from the book, "Come Let Us Adore Him" written by Denver Snuffer.

"As a result of what the Lord suffered, there is no condition – physical, spiritual or mental – that He does not fully understand. He knows how to teach, comfort, succor and direct any who come to Him seeking forgiveness and peace.... He suffered that we might avoid sin by being obedient to His commandments. None of us need harm another, if we will follow Him. He knows fully the consequences of sin. He teaches His followers how to avoid sin.

He can bring peace to any soul. He can help those who come to Him love their fellow man. He alone is the Perfect Teacher because He alone has the knowledge each of us lack to return to being whole and at peace with the God and Father of us all after our transgression of His will. He is wise to what is required for each man’s salvation."

I can't help but think that I personally need to bow more often to my Savior. I need to show Him that I am forever grateful for his sacrifice, by being more willing to forgive others, since He is so willing to forgive me. . I wished we praised His name more often in our meetings. I wish we testified more of Him. It makes me wonder what do we really worship in this world? Who do we worship? Seems like we worship success, status, wealth, prosperity, titles, positions.. instead of the One who merits it.

If only all of us would seek the face of the Lord and have the similiar experiences that others have including those we read about in scripture as well as the author of the book mentioned above. If only more of us had a testimony of Christ, more of us who have seen Him, and bear record of Him. In closing, here is another excerpt from book:

"As the Lord made these terrible things known to the man he cried out: “Hosanna to the Lamb of God! He has trodden the winepress alone! Glory, honor and mercy be upon the Chosen One forever and ever! I will submit unto anything you see fit to inquire of me! I will bend my knee in obedience to you! Let thy will, not mine be done! For worthy is the Lamb!” Then, thinking upon how trifling his difficulties and disappointments had been in comparison with the suffering he saw imposed upon his Lord, the man added: “Surely goodness and mercy have been mine all the days of my life.

And the Lord responded: “And you shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Then the man wept.

He can bring peace to any soul. He can help those who come to Him love their fellow man. He alone is the Perfect Teacher because He alone has the knowledge each of us lack to return to being whole and at peace with the God and Father of us all after our transgression of His will. He is wise to what is required for each man’s salvation."

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. I loved the excerpts from Denver and the Asian story!

