"Behold, verily I say unto you, that there are many spirits which are false spirits,
which have gone forth in the earth, deceiving the world.
And also Satan hath sought to deceive you, that he might overthrow you."
D&C 50:2
Here we read in a 1831 revelation given to Joseph Smith that there are MANY false Spirits abroad on the earth that go forth and deceive. Not only are there false spirits deceiving, but Joseph Smith states.. and also Satan. It is a one, two punch. False Spirits.. and also Satan. During this period of time of the restoration, much light was being restored, we read that a so-called spiritual phenomena was not uncommon among the members, some of whom claimed to be receiving visions and revelations. When greater light is given, greater darkness and disception also occurs. You release forces in opposition to light and truth. They have to be balanced. It is an eternal principle. There is day and night, there is health and sickness, there is pleasure and pain... there is truth and there is deception.
Many false spirits will claim to be a light to others. They are seeking to teach others a form of the truth, but in the end, it is their agenda, promoting their own glory, and or their own will. Those who attempt to distract, and to deceive, and mislead, want you to indulge and keep nothing in the bounds that the Lord had prescribed but to seek for excess in things.
The difficulty with any addition to understanding is always in sorting out what is true and right, figuring out what ought to be kept.. vs. what is false, incomplete or misleading, and should be discarded. It is also important to have the right source when drawing light, for there remain many false spirits in the world.
We know that there will be false prophets in the last days.. but with that, there also must be true prophets as well. So while there are false spirits abroad on the earth, there must also be true ones which will always point you to Christ.
That being said, just like a boxer in a ring, to avoid being knocked out... hold your hands high, elbows low, and move your head.