"I solemnly proclaim that
President Thomas S Monson was a Prophet of God.
He taught as a Prophet and testified as a Prophet.
He had the courage as a Prophet and the kindness of a Prophet.
He received revelation as a Prophet and responded as a Prophet.
He lived as a Prophet and died as a Prophet."
Elder Ballard Opening Prayer:
"How grateful we are to thank thee for sending to us
our beloved prophet"
Ann Dibb:
"May each of us continue to Follow the Lord's Prophet"
Elder Uchtdorf:
"...and his stories, which I consider parables of
a Modern Prophet of God."
Elder Erying
"The Full Priesthood Keys were Restored.
Those keys were passed in an unbroken line to President Monson."
Sidenote: I couldn't help but notice the two men standing next the First Presidency at the funeral. In an organization that how you enter a room or where you stand is important. I wonder if this might be some indication on who one of the next two apostles might be.
Elder Whitney L Clayton and/or
and Elder Craig C Christensen
Candid shot at each of the expression of some of the Twelve in order of seniority from Right to Left.