The Iliad and the Odyssey do have a few things in common. They both deal with the struggles and hardship of mortal life. They both deal with the gods interceding in human affairs. The mortals in both stories have to struggle against fear, anger, and other ego-based emotions of human existence. Both stories give us insight into the minds of the inhabitants of the earth during this time period and their perception of reality. The reality of the “gods”, angels and heavenly messengers, was common knowledge for most people during that time. Today, the existence of the gods is dismissed by most, questioned by many, and known by few. I wonder if it is our choice.. whether our journey will be more like the Iliad or more like the Odyssey. I wonder if one of the factors depends on if we truly know God.
The following is a brief account of a personal experience of hiking what is called the "Stairway to Heaven". It is also known as the Haiku Stairs which entails climbing approximately 4000 vertical stairs that ascends skyward over the towering ridge lines of a volcanic mountain range. These stairs were constructed during World War II and were originally wooden ladders spiked into the steep Hawaiian cliffs in order to build a radio transmission tower at the summit. The radio antenna on the tower was capable of transmitting very low frequency radio signals which could actually reach US Navy submarines across enemy lines, as far away as Tokyo Bay even while submerged.
After the war, these "stairs" became a popular hike. However, due to safety and other concerns, the station and trail were closed to the public in 1987. Access to the stairs is prohibited, and a guard is stationed at the bottom of the stairs to make sure hikers do not attempt to climb the stairs anymore.
Here is a view of the stairs to give you an idea of what the hike entails.

Here is a photo of trailhead before reaching the Stairway to Heaven. The peak of the mountain is not visible because of the clouds.
Here is a photo of a portion of the stairs.
On our recent "odyssey", I hiked the stairway to heaven twice. The first time was with my adventurous and amazingly strong wife. The day we hiked it, we woke up around 2:30 AM, drove as close as we could get to the stairs and began our hike into the jungle at about 3:30 AM. We were fortunate enough to have arrived at the same time as 5 others who also were attempting to hike it that morning. A member in their group had hiked it before and knew the best path in the jungle to get to the stairs. We were grateful since it was extremely dark and we possibility could have gotten lost. When someone has actually been to a place or experienced something before, they make for a good guide. When someone claims they know the path but has never taken the path.. they are a false guide. All of us hiking had headlamps fastened to our forehead. It would have been impossible to hike this trail without your own personal light. You could not rely on someone else's light. It would be too dangerous. My wife and I also brought reinforced gloves to help us hold on to the handrails which is your only source of security to avoid falling. We reached the stairs before the guard and bypassed the security gates and fences. As we began climbing the stairs, we noticed more hikers above us that had begun the hike earlier than us. It was helpful to see their lights above us to see the direction we would be heading up.
About 30 minutes into the hike, I was sweating profusely, not only because of the humidity, but the intense never ending "Stairmaster" workout. While I knew it would be steep, I was unprepared for how steep it got. Completely vertical. It was more like a ladder than stairs. One slip and there was nothing to stop you below, and if there was another hiker behind you, you would take them out as well.
At literally the steepest part of the climb, the strap to my wife's headlight somehow came unattached. While trying to grip the handrail with one hand and try and fix the strap with the other, my wife tried to fix her lightsource. I used my headlamp to help give the needed light for my wife to correct the problem with her light source. After several minutes of intense fear, my wife fixed her headlight and we began climbing again. Prayers were answered.
We finally reached the first of five platforms and enjoyed the needed time to rest our legs and drink some water before we got too dehydrated.
From this first platform, we could see the road and city lights below us and could see car lights of the guard who was now on duty. After our much needed break, we continued on our ascent. By this time, clouds has rolled in and it started to rain heavily. It never stopped. This made the stairs and handrails very slippery. We needed to climb with extra care, with patience, with long-suffering, and with persistence to make it to the top. One step at a time. You could not hurry or try to skip a step, even if you thought you could. The risk was just to great and it was not worth potentially slipping and falling.
We reached each platform and rested at each station until the final push to the top. I never lost the hope that the storm would pass and we would reach the summit in time to see the sunrise. We finally made it to the top before 6:00 AM, after hours of never ending stair/ladder climbing. Tired, wet, and cold, we waited in small enclosed area of the abandoned communication tower. There were others that had made it to the top as well before us... all waiting for the storm to break and for possibly seeing the sunrise. I had brought an extra set of clothes to change into. I was grateful that I had done so, since I was wet to the bone. Now with dry clothes and no longer cold and wet, my wife and I huddled together. The clouds were still thick at the top and the wind was blowing hard. We made the decision that we needed to get back to our kids and could no longer wait to see if we could get a glimpse of the sunrise. As we descended, I could feel the presence of the sun that it was now visibile. It was no longer dark and we no longer needed our flashlights. However it continued to still rain.
The descent was just as difficult as that ascent. In fact, it some parts it was more frightening. Instead of constantly looking up, we were looking down and could see the peril. It was slippery as well, and one dumb mistake could cost you your life. In fact, some hikers in front of us had lost some of their equipment including their glasses, making it hard for them to see.
After about 2 hours of descending carefully, we made it to the bottom. My wife and I were very glad to had this experience especially without injury. A few days before our odyssey would come to an end, I climbed the "Stairway to Heaven" once again, but this time I hiked it with "my brother." We hiked it on the morning when the Tropical Storm Flossie was due to hit the island. The prompting to "ascend before the storm" was heeded and I am grateful for the blessing, the inspiration, and personal revelation that I received on that second hike. We were able to summit and descend before the storm came. Here is a photo that I took as I was driving home and I could see that the storm was now approaching.
Here is a view of the top of Stairway to Heaven mountain that you summit.
I find it interesting that you had to come early, in the darkness, to evade the Keeper of the gate. He employs no servant there and there is no other way save it be by the gate.
I know this seems to be the MO of many of the Snuffer/"Spencer" crowd. Sorry if that offends.
That is one amazing hike. We did the same several years ago. Not a fun hike for someone who doesn't like heights::)
Nice post!
It's kind of interesting to know that there are people who are able and willing to do such a thing. Even in my youth, I would not have wanted to; I could never have been persuaded to.
I did climb a few mountains, but never cliffs; I never went anywhere that I couldn't get with just my feet--
no rock climbing, no "points"--
I'm glad you are safe. Did you do it for the challenge, for the spiritual perspective--
why did you do it?
"The prompting to 'ascend before the storm' was heeded and I am grateful for the blessing, the inspiration, and personal revelation that I received on that second hike." -- So true about our need to ascend before the storm. I believe those who do will enjoy an enhanced closeness with the Savior.
Nicely written!
The Lord does not require recklessness or dangerous acts to come to Him. I'm sorry, I didn't care for this post too much. If you had fallen it would've been the taxpayers footing the bill for your rescue (which is just fine with you apparently). Did you leave your kids alone in the hotel room? I think it was a selfish thing to do and an example not to be followed.
I appreciated your comment. The experience shared above has several meanings and the reader can interpret it anyway they would like. I would in no way encourage or ask anyone to do a similar hike, and especially would never want someone to follow my example. That would be foolish.
The hike was a personal experience for my wife and I do together.
I don't think the Lord requires the exact same thing for each of us, but I do think it requires us to sacrifice all. Read the Lectures of Faith number 6. Some might think that building an altar only to then sacrifice your own son would be a reckless act, some might think returning back for a third time disguised as some one else when your life has been threatened...and then cut off someone's head is a dangerous act. Be careful how you judge others.
When you know you have the Lord's protection, you have comfort in proceeding what you are prompted to do. I think it is called faith.
Thanks for your concern though.. and to answer your my kids were not left in a hotel room. We had our closest friends staying with us on the island while we were there. Also, MANY people hike this trail every day.. there were more that 50 people that hiked it the morning I went with my wife. If a rescue was needed, the taxpayers would not have needed to pay the bill. The others hikers would have been willing to help, just as I would for them.
Unbelievable! Talk about the courage it would take to climb, overcoming the fear and then coming to a knowing that it is only by the Grace of God and your faith in Him to get you up and down this mountain. The views are spectacular, but even more impressive is that you and your wife were able to share an experience of climbing and holding onto the rod. I don't know how many women would be courageous enough to do this climb! Though I do think you were a bit crazy to do it again (hee hee) Either that or you are just a succor for pain. I always appreciate your seeing things symbolically, for symbols are the language of God for they make us ponder and meditate and think more deeply about life and our relationship to our God and to our fellow sojourners on this earth. Thank you for sharing your photos, your insights, but most importantly, your passion for God.
Thank you for agreeing that following your example would be foolish.
I'm sorry but I can in no way liken Nephi's retrieving the Brass Plates with this hike of yours. Or Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac for heaven's sake. Nephi was commanded of the Lord and obeyed the command. There was a wise purpose in that act that crosses time and eternity, bringing and continuing to bring countless souls to Christ, on both sides of the veil. I would be careful how you see and judge yourself and your personal inspiration, brother.
And "MANY" followed your hike? That does make me feel you weren't *quite* as reckless if it's a common hike. (I've been around the Dolomites - nothing like your hike here - haven't visited Hawaii yet but would like to some day. Machu Picchu is next on my agenda.)
Good day, and glad you are back posting.
Forgive me if I implied that my hike could be likened to Nephi and/or Abraham's personal experiences and journey. The reason for mentioning these examples was in response to your comment that the Lord does not require dangerous acts. I just used two quick examples that He possible might. That's all.
Good luck on when you hike Machu Picchu. That is on my list as well, not sure I'll get around to hiking the Dolomites :)
For one - the stairway is luring for it's history. To be able to climb something that dates back to World War II is pretty amazing. Two - when I heard of the climb I started researching on peoples u-tube posts what they thought about it. Their descriptions were amazing and gave a deep respect for the beauty that one could see.... the challenge that one could tackle.... it truly embraced everything that Hawaii has to offer. As I climbed it in the dark I learned my biggest lesson's in turning to the Lord to over come my fear. I spoke to Him constantly. Telling Him how much I want to come into His presence. Imagining the stairway as a metaphor of life; the more I depend on Him and put aside the weakness of the flesh, sacrificing my fears, I draw nearer to Him, climbing higher and higher into his presence. It really was a profound lesson. And just for the record. As dangerous as the hike could be, there is railing on each side and even if your feet slipped you had a railing you were holding onto. No one has died doing it. Posted from the bloggers WIFE
Thanks for the post. I think I understand what you are trying to get across. Our journey back to God isn't filled with Sunday School lessons and blind obedience but completely trusting and having faith in Him especially when we are traveling in the dark!
Don't worry about the negativity some are displaying here. Your blog has helped and inspired me in many ways.
Bare Record, you have really been "invaded" since I used to come here on a regular basis. The opposition, and the digs toward you and toward Denver tell me that you are accomplishing some good and the powers of darkness are concerned enough to send seemingly well-meaning people to challenge, condemn, and accuse you. Good job, dear brother.
Darkness=darkness, btw, and not a church of any kind.
Your post was an enlightening living parable. Thank you to you - and to your wife who posted in the comments.
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