Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Photo of sunrise over the Wasatch Mountains

I read the following advice this morning that I thought I would share: 

If you want to decrease stress, start paying attention to your "glimmers".

Glimmers are the opposite of triggers. They're those tiny moments of joy, awe and peace that cue our nervous system to feel safe, calm and connected.

Once you start looking for them, you will see them everywhere ...

To combat stress and cultivate inner peace, focus on cultivating and appreciating your "glimmers"—those small moments of joy, wonder, and tranquility that soothe your nervous system.

Unlike stressors that trigger anxiety, glimmers signal safety and connection, fostering a sense of calm. These moments, often overlooked in the rush of daily life, are abundant once you begin actively seeking them out. 

Glimmer to me has always meant slight, minimal, and hardly unrecognizable. We all witness "glimmers" in our life but often times choose to view only the negative "triggers" 

The world we live in often seems fixated on highlighting the "triggers", and it can feel heaving when those consume our thoughts and minds. The recent tragic fires in California have not helped.  Fear, stress, and anxiety are just a few of the many names that reflect "the accuser". But hope, peace and comfort are "glimmers" that reflect the Lord. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

HOLY **** !

 Just when I thought the reconstruction of the Salt Lake Temple could not get worse. We are now going on six years since the beginning of the "Reconstruction" of the Temple. For those of you who are unable to see the current state of the Temple right now, I share the below photos.  High above the Temple between the spires, there are now eight port-a-potties positioned above the temple. (See lower left in the below photo). I have zoomed in so you can see up closer these Honey Buckets)

I had friend email me a photo of the temple and said this when he saw the portable toilets on top of the temple and said the following: 
Those are the only two words to describe this scene. Literally. 
(or maybe two other words -Desecration and Defecation)

 (btw: the large crane was partially photoshopped out of the photo) 

Thursday, January 2, 2025


It's been a while since my last post, but I wanted to kick off the New Year by sharing a quote from Orson Ferguson Whitney that perfectly captures the year 2024 for me.
“No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God . . . and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire and which will make us more like our Father and Mother in heaven.”

Despite the challenges and hardships of the past year, there were also some truly beautiful moments. Below are a few photos I never got around to posting from some hikes and experiences in 2024. The first photo probably best represents what 2024 felt like. My wife took it while hiking behind me.

With all that said, I felt it was important to share this today. This morning, I woke up with a heart full of hope and gratitude. I’m feeling incredibly optimistic for what 2025 has in store



Last night, my wife and I watched the movie Mary on Netflix.  I hesitate to recommend it. The creators took GREAT artistic licensing and I found some of the content to be disturbing, especially how they portrayed the angel Gabriel as well as some other scenes. But that being said, I appreciated the contrast between the virgin Mary to the King Herod. Anthony Hopkins portrayal of Herod the Great was incredible. It shows what the  insatiable lust for power can do to a man. 

Here is the trailer to the movie.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


SL Temple renderings released in 2020 vs the updated renderings released in 2024:

Shortly after President Nelson announced the renovation of the Salt Lake Temple, the LDS Church released the official renderings of what the rooms in the Salt Lake Temple would look like. There was not too much change, other than maybe new carpet and chairs. The news release stated the following:
“The four additional renderings released today indicate the careful and elegant approach we are taking in the renovation of this house of the Lord. We also look forward to welcoming many visitors to Temple Square during the next few years to witness this historic renovation.”

"The renovation is expected to be complete in 2024 and followed by a public open house and rededication."

However, last month, the Church released new renderings showing a significantly different design for the Salt Lake Temple, with the projected completion still years away. I believe they completely restructured the interior of the Salt Lake Temple, removing the muraled walls and reconfigured them to be theatre rooms. The previously painted mural rooms will now resemble luxurious megaplex theater  and live sessions will no longer be held in the temple. The current completion date is set for the end of 2026, with a world-invited open house expected to last nearly a year, likely pushing the opening date for temple use to early 2028. 

Here is a side by side view of the rendering that were released in 2020 to the current renderings of what to expect at the end of 2026.


Before renovation of the Terrestrial Room and Baptistry on the Left to the new renderings on the right.

Sidenote: If the Catholic Church were to "earthquake-proof" the Vatican, I wonder if they would prioritize preserving the historic murals or if they might consider painting over the Sistine Chapel ceiling? I hope the former option.

Not only have there been significant changes to the design of the new Salt Lake Temple, but it was also announced that the Temple Garment has undergone renovations. There is now a sleeveless option.  Out of respect for the garment, I won't post a photo of it, but I will share what can now be worn with the new design. Currently, only in hot and humid climates can these garments be purchased but will be available in the United States in 2025.

Friday, October 18, 2024


In the Saturday Morning Session of General Conference, Elder Oaks spoke about commandments, explaining that there are two types: Permanent and Temporary. He also talked about the importance of the phrase, "Follow our Perfect Role Model and His prophet."

He began his talk with, "This year, millions have been inspired by the gospel study plan known as the Savior’s invitation, ‘Come, follow me.’ Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice. It is a continuous commitment and way of life that should guide us at all times and in all places."

As we watched, I recorded his talk and noticed something unusual. When President Oaks mentioned "Following Christ," a photo of President Nelson was shown instead of the Lord. I found this intriguing and wondered if it could be perceived as a subliminal message suggesting that following Christ equates to following President Nelson—or even implying that Christ = Nelson. I truly hope it was an oversight and that they intended to show an image of Christ. Unfortunately, this was broadcast to the millions of members who watched the conference that morning.

Below is the my video recording:  VIDEO LINK

Yes, we should look to Jesus Christ as the Perfect Role Model. However, I often struggle with the command to follow any man, no matter how righteous. A better approach might be to "give heed" or "listen," but never to simply follow.

Research indicates that relying on others for information, and worse, just following them can affect our cognitive processes. Studies suggest that when we offload our thinking and adopt the LDS slogan, "When the prophet speaks, the thinking is done," we diminish our own critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

I share this context to illustrate an experience I had during a hike last week.

The past year or so, I would hike almost weekly with friends, following a predetermined trail  by one person in our group.  When you can simply follow the person in front of you, you tend to pay less attention than if you were hiking alone. Unfortunately, due to some circumstances, we no longer continue these weekly hikes. However, as a group, we managed to go on one last hike last week to a beautiful mountain summit where you can see both Salt Lake City and Utah County Valleys It was crucial to stay together, as there were many different trails, and it would have been easy to get lost or separated from the group.

I wanted to hike back up to the summit last Saturday evening before sunset, observing Yom Kippur. I knew how to reach the trailhead and believed I had paid enough attention to remember the correct path. I recalled that we veered off the main road after about a quarter mile, and when I spotted a sign that read "Designated Hiking Loop," I assumed it was the trail I should take.

As I hiked, I noticed I wasn’t climbing as I expected and felt uncertain about the direction. I encountered another hiker and asked, “Is this the trail to the summit?” They replied, “Oh no, this is just a loop trail. It won’t take you to the top.”

So, I turned back, left the "Designated" Trail, and found the steep path that would take me to the peak. Since I had simply followed someone on the previous hike, I wasn’t familiar with the route on my own. I had lost precious time and had to run most of the way, despite the pain in my body. It was important for me to experience the end of Yom Kippur by witnessing the sunset.

Here is an aerial view of the two trails. The green trail represents the "Designated Trail" I was on, while the gold trail shows the steep path I had to navigate to reach the tower at the summit.

This hike was very important to me, much like the hike I took ten years ago to Lake Mary, which I briefly mentioned in this blog post.. LINK TO THE REST OF THE STORY

Symbolically, this hike resonates with the constellation of Pisces, represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions. One large fish is caught in a net, endlessly looping and circling the equator, while the smaller fish has broken free from this stagnating cycle. This smaller fish is heading north in search of God.

The best part of the hike was reaching the top just minutes before sunset. At the summit stands a spiral rock formation. The spiral is a powerful symbol found in various cultures, often representing growth, evolution, and the journey of life. In many spiritual traditions, it signifies the path of enlightenment and personal development, suggesting a continual unfolding of understanding.

In some Native American cultures, including the Navajo and Hopi, spiral formations are considered sacred, symbolizing the connection between the earth and the cosmos. They represent the journey of life, spiritual growth, and the cycles of nature.

To remember this hike, I paired some of the photos I took with words from the soundtrack of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a short book written by Richard Bach in the year I was born. The story follows a seagull named Jonathan who seeks to master the art of flight. He yearns to understand the nature of flying and the exhilaration it brings. Ultimately banished from his flock, he perseveres in his passion, transcending his physical limitations and becoming something greater than an ordinary seagull.

Friday, September 6, 2024


I've spent some much-needed time in the mountains over the past couple of weeks. Despite the challenges we all face in life, I always find comfort in spending time hiking even though I am getting older and have to deal with the pain and sore muscles, I am always in awe of  God's creations.  We are at the cusp of a season change, from summer to Fall. Probably my favorite time of year. This world is a world of change. Nothing remains the same. Either we are gaining more light or we are losing light. I recently read that "One either searches out new truth — finds it, lives it, and thereby becomes restored to truth — or one backs away from it. If one is backing away, losing it, neglecting it, and discarding it, one is in the process of apostasy. With respect to God’s people, apostasy is always marked by a change of ordinances and breaking of the covenant."

Photos taken in July 2024 up Big Cottonwood Canyon

As everyone knows, over the past few years, the LDS Church has undergone numerous change especially to the Temple.  It seems like this is the new normal. Every time I go to the temple there is something that has changed.  Makes me wonder if these changes are driven by convenience, survey results, public opinion, or the needs of the rising generation. For instance, if it were deemed crucial for everyone to read the Book of Mormon for their salvation and we sought to make it easier, would we consider removing entire sections of scripture, such as the war chapters in Alma? Removing almost a quarter of the content without warning or divine revelation would be significant. While one might argue that removing repetitive or contentious passages could be inspired, it raises the question of how we would react if large repetitive sections of the Temple Endowment narrative were removed out. Were they not inspired in the first place? Was there is purposed for the repetition? If it is inspired to do this to the sacred rituals. Why stop there? maybe we could consider removing all repetition and editing things down to only to shortened versions of our scriptures, conference talks and Sunday School lessons. 

"If we fail to keep God’s ordinances exactly as prescribed, 
they are broken and no longer effective."
(Isaiah. 24:5.)

"House is always to be built for His presence. When accepted by Him it must remain exactly as He ordered it, or there are only two results: First, If the ordinances are not kept, He withdraws and the house is no longer His. Men are then free to do what they choose within the temple because God neglects it. The other result is that if the Lord still claims it, then those who offend within His House offend God.

Given the vanity and pride of mankind, it seems unlikely there will ever be people who are willing to strictly observe only what He asks as He asks it. It is a mistake to think we can improve on what He gives us, and yet we do.

When there is a House built for God (New Jerusalem), it will necessarily be through people of restraint, meekness, humility and patience who take no credit and think themselves no better than their fellows. It will be an undertaking requiring a heart like our Lord’s, full of the virtues He displayed. There will need to be a priest, like Moses, who was the meekest of all men. (Num. 12:3.) There will need to be someone, at last, who knows the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the Powers of Heaven, and when the heavens are offended, they withdraw. When withdrawn, other false spirits rush in to please and reassure us in our vanity and pride."

Friday, August 23, 2024


The phrase "when it rains, it pours" is an idiom used to describe a situation where multiple negative events or problems happen in quick succession, often overwhelming the person experiencing them. The idea is that when one thing goes wrong, it seems like everything else starts going wrong too, much like how a light rain might suddenly turn into a downpour.

My wife and I were driving home on the I-15 freeway a few days ago when, out of nowhere, a sudden downpour descended from the sky. I snapped a quick photo as it swept across our path. This moment captured perfectly the past month for our family. We've experienced a heartbreaking series of losses—my dad, a close friend, and most recently, our beloved dog of 15 years. It’s true what they say: "when it rains, it pours"

Despite the difficulties we try to move forward with faith and hope. 

Yesterday, a friend shared with my the following story. 

A woman who was terminally ill was discussing her final wishes with her pastor. She told him that she wanted to be buried with her scriptures and that she wanted to be holding a fork in her right hand. The pastor was puzzled by the unusual request and asked her to explain.

The woman smiled and explained that throughout her life, she had attended many church dinners and social gatherings where a meal was served. After the main course, the servers would often lean in and tell the guests to "keep your fork" because something better was coming—usually a delicious dessert like pie or cake.

She told the pastor that this phrase, "keep your fork," had always reminded her that the best was yet to come. So, when people saw her in her casket holding a fork, she wanted them to wonder why. Then, she wanted the pastor to explain that the fork was a symbol of her faith—her belief that even after death, something better was coming, a beautiful afterlife with God.

Sidenote that I thought was interesting: 

The phrase "when it rains, it pours" became associated with Morton Salt through an innovative advertising campaign launched in 1911. At that time, one of the challenges with salt was that it tended to clump together in humid weather, making it difficult to pour. Morton Salt developed a solution by adding a small amount of magnesium carbonate to the salt, which prevented clumping and allowed the salt to pour freely, even in damp conditions.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


I have seen many sunrises and shared photos of some, but the most sacred and significant sunrise occurred a week ago this morning. Instead of from a mountain top, I watched the sunrise from my parents' bedroom window right after my dad passed away. It's hard to believe it's already been a week since he left us.

My love for nature and hiking in the mountains was a gift from my dad. His favorite hike and fishing spot was Lake Blanche, a challenging 7-mile trek in Big Cottonwood Canyon. This week, I embarked on that hike as a tribute to him. I felt his presence with every step, and he sent me signs to let me know he was aware of me and watching over me.

My dad loved chiasms and would always find them in scriptures, helping us gain insight from their deeper meanings. Right at the trailhead of my hike to Lake Blanche, a moose appeared out of nowhere. It’s not very common to see a big bull moose at 4:00 AM on a well-traveled trail. When I reached the lake at the end of the trail, I looked across and saw another big bull moose accompanied by a young bull moose. Chiastic in structure, a moose at the beginning of my tribute for my dad and then two moose at the end—it had my dad's signature all over it.

Words can't adequately express the feelings of losing a parent. No matter how old you are, it is never easy to lose your dad.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Photos from this morning's solstice hike. Always a different experience, but never a disappointment.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice, the day when we experience the most sunlight of the year. Before I post more about the Solstice,  I wanted to quickly post today about our new National Holiday called JUNETEENTH. I titled the blog, More Darkness before More Light (?)

Our son-in-law is currently serving in the military. We are proud of him and the sacrifice he is making for us in protecting country. However, I don't think they train the military to protect the country from ourselves.

 A friend of mine shared the below photo taken today of a Juneteenth flag hanging in the U.S. military dining facility. Instead of flying the red, white and blue American Flag, a flag that says "JUNETEENTH *THE REAL* Independence Day is hung.  This "National"  flag uses all the black pride colors and symbols used in Communist propaganda with the raised fists. 

Not just in the military dinner halls, but similar flags are being flown all over the country. In addition to these Juneteenth flags, homes are also flying several different versions our flag for PRIDE Month. 

A video trending on line of how some have been celebrating this holiday. Looks like a fun pool party.


Long lost are the days of just flying the American Flag. It is sad that when you see someone flying the American Flag, they might be considered a racist or hater.. and even worse a threat because you showing who you might be voting for in the upcoming Presidential Election. 


I have been pretty overwhelmed lately and unfortunately I haven't been able to post everything I have wanted to including our trip to New York.  A few months ago our family flew back East to New York to witness the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8,2024. That weekend prior to the eclipse was full of believable signs. The day we flew into New York on April 3 there was a devastating storm.  Two bolts of lightning hit the Statue of Liberty during that storm. A couple of days later on April 5, there was a 4.8 earthquake (prior to the 4/8 date for the eclipse). And then to experience total darkness on April 8. Hard to describe in words.  I found a few photos to document those events but did not take them personally)

Monday, May 20, 2024


 Last week I drove by and took photos of the demolition of the Provo Temple. I wasn't prepared for what I saw. It looked like a bombed building in a warzone. What was once a sacred Temple dedicated and consecrated to the Lord is now being torn down and destroyed. Still sitting on a peaceful green hill, it looked like a dead corpse, abandoned and left in a heap of rubble. 

On the other hand, the Chapel for the LDS Church that was used for Sacrament Meetings at the Utah State Prison is being preserved. The entire prison surrounding the church was demolished recently and the small, brick building is going to remain standing. See below the lone church  on the barren acres and acres of land where the State Prison once stood.

 What is interesting to read online about the Provo Temple being torn down. On ChatCPT I asked the question: Why is the LDS Church tearing down the Provo Temple?

As of January 2022, there were no reports of the LDS Church tearing down the Provo Temple. The Provo Utah Temple is significant to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and its members, and any significant changes to it would likely be well-documented and communicated within the LDS community. It's possible that there might have been renovation or refurbishment work undertaken, but tearing down the entire temple seems highly unlikely without widespread attention and discussion. 

On the day I took these photos, I talked to a Provo Temple Ordinance worker who was also taking pictures. She was heartbroken to see "her" temple being torn down. She told me that a year ago they had a meeting with all of the Provo Temple workers.  Church authorities announce to them that the temple would only be closed for renovation. The purpose was to put in an additional baptistry where the cafeteria was located.  No mention of tearing the entire temple down. No mention of any need to earthquake proof the temple. However that is now the reason given to the public as to why they need to tear down the Temple.

I find it so odd that we even dedicate our buildings since we don't really believe that the Lord will protect our temples. We think we need to tear down and rebuild instead of having faith that the Lord will uphold His House. 

"We dedicate all the structural parts from its foundation to the tower. Protect it, we pray thee, from any devastating influence, holocausts, hurricanes, storms, or destruction of any kind."

I guess we forget to mention in the prayer to protect it from destroying it ourselves.

 Here are some more photos of the destruction of the Provo Temple.