Thursday, July 18, 2024


I have seen many sunrises and shared photos of some, but the most sacred and significant sunrise occurred a week ago this morning. Instead of from a mountain top, I watched the sunrise from my parents' bedroom window right after my dad passed away. It's hard to believe it's already been a week since he left us.

My love for nature and hiking in the mountains was a gift from my dad. His favorite hike and fishing spot was Lake Blanche, a challenging 7-mile trek in Big Cottonwood Canyon. This week, I embarked on that hike as a tribute to him. I felt his presence with every step, and he sent me signs to let me know he was aware of me and watching over me.

My dad loved chiasms and would always find them in scriptures, helping us gain insight from their deeper meanings. Right at the trailhead of my hike to Lake Blanche, a moose appeared out of nowhere. It’s not very common to see a big bull moose at 4:00 AM on a well-traveled trail. When I reached the lake at the end of the trail, I looked across and saw another big bull moose accompanied by a young bull moose. Chiastic in structure, a moose at the beginning of my tribute for my dad and then two moose at the end—it had my dad's signature all over it.

Words can't adequately express the feelings of losing a parent. No matter how old you are, it is never easy to lose your dad.